Worldwide people in the same profession are separated by geographical boundaries, everyone is busy with his/her activities, enclosed in the same geographical area, they have no way of interacting with other people in the same profession from other regions of world until when they have opportunities to attend international conferences or further studies out of the mother country, this should not be the case in this world of advanced technology.
Every profession has its own ethics, codes and conduct. To respect the importance of differences in the spectra of different discipline worldwide, linkedpals is the professional network that connects people in the same profession ranging from health, engineer, law, economics, arts, fashion and many more in order to share ideas, help in solving challenges that one faces when practicing the profession, share experiences in the relevant field, spread technology and information that is potential in the relevant discipline for the benefit of the mankind and strengthening professional interaction.
Linkedpals also allows people to share their research findings and discoveries and enables people in the same professional to have discussion on any matter with regard to their profession, projects on the relevant discipline and many more through private chats and this broadens someone’s network from few people that she/he knows up to many people worldwide.
Linkedpals users will be able to share references, pictures, video clips and links in order to have productive discussions that are backed up by evidence these allow people in the same discipline to have homogenized ideas on queries as far as their profession as concerned. Any post in one profession will not be accessed by users from other profession except for users with multiple professions and have registered as such.

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