Internship at Three Mountains

Duration:6 months,4 days per week

Remuneration: 5000 frw/working day+ Coffee+ Lunch+Tea

Three Mountains is looking for an intern for 4 days a week for a period of 6 months starting from 1 March 2017.

The intern will assist in the day to day activities of the company.  The intern will be able to learn not only about content development, but also about technical aspects of the development of e-learning, production of tutorial videos and general management of a company.

The intern will be especially involved in a project to develop e-material for mainstreaming gender in agricultural communities in East Africa. This will give an opportunity to learn more about project management.


Genuine Interest in learning processes and how e-learning can support these processes,Minimal a bachelor’s degree, preferably in pedagogy or social studies,Fluent in English; knowledge of French, Kinyarwanda and Swahili is considered an assetInterest in course development, e-learning and gender issues,Familiar with Microsoft Office – Word, PowerPoint and Excel,Willing to develop excellent writing and presentation skills,Curiosity and strong drive for personal development,Dedication, teamplayer,6 Months availability.

What we offer                                                                      

Positive atmosphere with hard work, humour and personal attention,Opportunity to learn to develop and program e-courses in Easy Generator,A variety of tasks and opportunities to present yourself and show your worth in practice.Professional coaching and honest feedback,Access to a great network of professionals and organisations in Rwanda related to e-learning,Compensation of gross 5000 frcs Rw per working day (excluding tax) plus lunch, coffee and tea.

How to apply

Write a short motivation letter,Attach your CV,Do our demo course “Sex and Gender” and add your comments (see for instructions below),Send it all by email before 25 February 2017.

N.B. Only applications containing all three elements (the motivation letter, the CV and the comments) will be taken into consideration!

Interviews will be held on Tuesday 28 February 2017.

How to comment

Our demo course “Sex and Gender” can be found on our website in Kinyarwanda and in English.

First do one or both courses online.

Then write your comments by answering the following three questions:

Mention at least two strong points and two weak points of this course.What use do you see for this course in Rwanda?Who should follow this course and how can we reach this audience? (What is the target group of this course and how should our company get in contact with this target group )

If you have further questions, you may call Ariane Umurerwa at 0786246637


2017 Unesco/poland fellowship in Engineering(fully funded)

Application Deadline: 14 April 2017

With a view to promoting human resource capacities in the developing countries and to enhancing international understanding and friendship among nations and the people of Poland, the Polish National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Chair for Science, Technology and Engineering Education at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow have placed at the disposal of certain Member States (see Annex I) forty (40)fellowships of six (6) months duration each, in Poland, starting on 2 October 2017. The beneficiaries of these fellowships will be given the opportunity to undertake an individual research programme in the field of Science, Technology and Engineering.

Qualifications Required

The required qualifications for each field of research (project) are as per the attached annexes to this letter of announcement. (seeAnnex I )

Facilities offered by Polish Authorities

(i) Free tuition and access to the university facilities based on the local regulations.

Accommodation at the AGH UST Student Campus organised for fellows by the UNESCO AGH Chair.

(ii) Monthly allowance of 1600 PLN (1 USD = approximately 4,0 PLN) corresponding to the salary of a local junior research fellow. Thus, all living expenses and accommodation in Poland are to be borne by the fellow with this allowance; and; (iii) A one-time special allowance of 1600 PLN to be paid upon arrival in Poland, this sum will cover different activities related to your stay in Krakow, such as an obligatory medical check-up upon arrival (in accordance with the internal regulations for all students); cultural, historical and/or touristic visits, conferences, workshops, and seminars related to your studies.

No provision to finance or lodge family members is made.

At the end of the research studies, the beneficiaries will receive a certificate attesting to their attendance at the host institution, this certificate will be given after receipt of the requested reports and financial clearance from the Institution.

Facilities offered by UNESCO

(i) International travel expenses: (by the most direct, economical route) from the beneficiary’s country to and from Poland will be covered by UNESCO under its Regular Programme Budget.

(ii) Health insurance for fellowship beneficiaries who are declared medically fit: UNESCO fellowship holders may be covered by a health insurance policy, taken-out by the Organization for the duration of fellowship. The costs of this health insurance is subscribed to and covered by UNESCO on behalf of awarded fellows.


Submission of applications

Candidatures should be submitted by the invited Member State. Original applications in duplicate must be channelled through the National Commission for UNESCO of the candidate’s country and communicated to Mr Stoyan Bantchev, Chief, Participation programme and Fellowships Section, by 14 April 2017 at the latest (GMT +01:00)  to UNESCO mailing address. An advance copy of the application should be sent by fax (33.1) or by e-mail unesco3(at);s.bantchev(at); and Applications should have imperatively the following attachments inDUPLICATE:

(i)  UNESCO fellowships application forms, including medical certificate, ALL four (4) pagesduly completed in English using capital letter(illegible documents will be eliminated from the procedure, hand writing form must include capital letter only);

(ii) Two photographs attached to the applications (4×6 cm);

(iii) Certified copies (in English) of Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree/ PhD obtained; and,

(iv) UNESCO certificate of language knowledge, duly completed by a relevant authority, if the mother tongue of the candidate is not English.

(v) Two letters of recommendation from someone related to the candidate’s work, as well confirming the candidate’s qualifications.

(vi) The endorsed candidates should register themselves to the Fellowship e-registration system available on the page: .

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the UNESCO/Poland Co-Sponsored Engineering Fellowship Programme in Engineering

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